Sunday, June 12, 2011

People Keep Asking Me What's Your Secret - No Secret I Just Set Goals and Work Hard!

Throughout my life, people have asked me what my secret is, as if I can give them information which would make them instantly successful, wealthy, and at the top of their game. The reality is if you want to win in anything, you have to practice, you have to be able to take the hard knocks, and you have to have perseverance and keep getting back up. If you are not willing to work hard and do what it takes you don't deserve to win, that's not to say you won't get lucky, or that you can't win the lottery, it's just that the chances of that happening are slim because the odds are not with you.
Besides, what's that old quote; "it's surprising how lucky you get when you're working hard," and what is that other famous quote about luck? "Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity." If you don't put in the time and effort, if you not are willing to work hard, if you don't show up to practice, I just don't see how you are going to succeed in life. There is no easy way, and for those that think there is an easy way, they are liable to get taken by the first con-artist that comes along and promises them something for nothing. The world doesn't work that way, it never really has.
Yes, people do get very lucky, and sometimes people get things they don't deserve, but I would submit to you that most of the people that have achieved, have done so the hard way. And personally, that's the only way I know to succeed. When I was a young man and 12 years old I started washing airplanes at the local airport, I charged a very low price, and I worked very hard. Therefore I had all the business I could take. One of the gentlemen who owned an airplane told me this;
"There are two ways to become successful; you either work too hard, or you work too cheap!"
Indeed, even at that early age I thanked him for his wisdom and I thought about that for a while. A few weeks later I saw him back at the airport getting ready to fly his airplane. I explained to him that I thought about what he said, and I had concluded that; "Sir, I think I'm going to do both, because I don't want to take any risks," he just smiled and said "okay then, see you at the top, now step back son, clear prop" and he started his Beechcraft Bonanza, and he taxied his brand-new airplane to the runway and took off. I'll never forget that, and I hope you will never forget what I've said in this article.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion .

The Success-Power Connection

There is a strong link between success and power in the sense that the more power you acquire the more successful you are. The world runs on the survival of the fittest from the single cell to every living thing on the planet, especially in humans.
Competition is what drives the world, it's what drives us; we compete as kids for our parents' attention, for our friend's friendship, for our jobs and for our mate in life. All who enjoy great success have accumulated large resources of power.
Power is organized energy or effort produced by organizing your knowledge and resources and focusing your mind build your powerbase so you can achieve unlimited success. The amount of power you can obtain is not limited by your intelligence, your physical shape, your wisdom or education. All these can be overcome with the building of a competent Master Mind group.
Napoleon Hill's "Law of Success" presents 15 principles that when studied and applied will build a strong powerbase. Anyone who has become super successful has, without exception, applied Hill's 15 principles. By applying these principles anyone can overcome their weaknesses and limitations, build a sufficient powerbase, and achieve success.
The amount of power accumulated is directly related to the clarity of your goal, the strength of your desire for your goal, and the effort you are will to apply to its achievement. By learning Hill's 15 principles anyone lacking the skill will be able to learn them and put them to use; anyone with a strong enough desire for success will be able to do so.
Many people by now will be saying this is all wrong and they know many successful people that have NO power. I disagree; any successful person is full of power of some type. Take the person who has achieved spiritual success, he has immense power in to form of his belief and his peace of mind and his contentment. These are all great sources of power that not many have.
What about the successful mother or father? They have another type of power, the love of their children the respect of the friends and the love of family. This is a power line no other, a family that lives together in harmony has the greatest power of all.
What most people fail to realize is that power comes in many forms and each type leads to success in specific areas; some overlap into many areas or when combined lead to success in an area completely unrelated to any single powerbase.
Most people when they hear success or power immediately think of wealth or political power; yet there are so many other types of power and success. What you must seek is that which will make you happy. But remember what makes you happy does not necessarily make the next person happy.
Just because you love ham and cheese sandwiches does not mean that everyone does, nor does it mean they are rotten and evil people; so keep this in mind when people do not share your belief structure or you values. Because you belief it and value it doesn't mean you're right and they are wrong; it just means you both have different opinions.

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