Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aiming For Success? How to Keep on Track

Sometimes it is essential to take stock - in fact our success depends on it. Here's a recent experience of mine that shows why.

I had arranged a short break in the country. I drove the car and my friend read the map. Before each leg of the journey we would agree the route that we would take to our next destination. The trouble was that after a few miles we would get lost.

Struggling to stay patient, I would stop the car and between us we would try to work out what had gone wrong. It was clear that my friend remembered the route we had agreed. It was also clear that he was in no doubt about our destination.

It was only after yet another deviation into unplanned country lanes that I finally twigged what was happening. Although my friend knew exactly where we had started from and where we were going, he was not keeping track as we motored along of our current position!

The result was that when we came to a road junction, he did not know which one it was on the map. Therefore we became reliant purely on road signs which were often non-existent.

Fortunately, there was a happy ending. With practice my navigator became more proficient and I would glance across to the passenger seat and see him with his finger on the map tracing our progress!

It struck me that it's like this in life too. We can be clear where we started from and clear about our goals. But if we do not check our current position now and again, how can we know we are on track? We may be lost.

As it happens, a holiday is a good time to take stock. When you are out of your normal environment it's easier to take a more objective view. But you can take stock at any time. The critical thing is to be honest - your current position is where you are, not where you would like to think you are.

I decided it was time for me to take stock and here are the questions I used. You might like to use them too.

1. What is working well?

- What is energising?

- What is exciting?

- What do I look forward to doing?

- What do I relish?

- What am I glad that's on my 'To Do' list?

- What do I do that puts me into creative mode?

2. What is not working?

- What makes me groan?

- What am I bored by?

- What drains me of energy?

- What makes me want to stay under the duvet?

- What is not 'me'?

- What is wasting precious time?

3. What are the lost opportunities?

- What is past its sell-by date?

- What am I doing purely out of habit?

- What was energising but has now reached a plateau?

- What of my strengths are under-utilised?

- Where could I add more value?

- Where is my natural curiosity leading?

As you 'trace your finger over your map', you can see how near or far you are from your chosen destination.

I'm Trevor Hill, author and inspiration coach. I help people who want to break out of current limitations and enjoy inspired and rewarding lives. You can claim your free copy of my downloadable book 'Passport To Inspiration' containing 7 proven techniques you can use right away - just click on <a target="_new" href=""></A>

Article Source: [] Aiming For Success? How to Keep on Track

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