Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to Take Inspired Action Today

By []Mary B Owens

How do you take inspired action and what does that look like? Imagine you are waking up from a peaceful nights rest. You flow out of bed and into the shower. As you are bathing you get this amazing idea! You cannot wait to find someone to share your idea with. You are sure with the right help and coordination this idea will have a huge impact with so many people. You are pumped up and ready to go. Then you get out of the shower and the phone rings. It is your nanny and she is sick and can't help you with your kids today. You completely understand and instead of jumping into your work clothes you slide on a pair of sweats and a cozy sweatshirt. You are a little worried now about how you are going to get what you wanted to accomplish done today. Then you recognize this is part of your responsibility of having children that are small and aren't in school yet. You know you can work from home but there is a small "let down" feeling in your stomach but you say "life happens; I will get to it tomorrow." You call the people who you were going to meet and reschedule your plans. The day goes on and you are able to accomplish some administrative tasks but nothing you really wanted to do. So what happened? What happen to all that inspiration you had in the shower?

Inspiration is something that excites you. It literally pulls you into action. The problem with inspiration is you can lose it as fast as you received it. In the above example you were about to take on a huge idea that could have the potential to impact many people. Yet once you received that call your inspiration was soon covered up by your worry and rescheduling. This is completely normal to worry about rescheduling and taking care of your kids at the same time. The reality is that people get sick and we still have responsibilities to our children and most of all we have responsibilities to ourselves. The responsibility to yourself is to live in that inspired state. So how is that done? How do you move and take inspired action with all of the requirements of your daily life?

The first step in living and taking inspired action is to recognize when you are inspired. Keep your focus and proclaim out loud that you are inspired. Saying something with conviction and out loud is very powerful. It literally cements your inspiration into your physical life. You will not forget it if you say it out loud, "This is inspiring and I want to do something about it!" It may seem silly and even a little too easy but have you tried it? Being inspired enough to make a claim to it will help move you into the next crucial step.

The next step is to share it will someone. Now if it is an idea that you want to keep to yourself until it is more developed, writing it down will be enough to keep you inspired. See the key here is that you want to stay engaged in this inspiration. Life does happen and you will have to attend to different aspects or responsibilities around you. If you have spoken to someone or written down your idea when you get side tracked you will be able to reconnect with the inspiration more easily. Think of it this way, if someone came to you and you felt their excitement and their joy you would want to support them in that. If you noticed that they weren't talking about it anymore there would be this curious part of you that would probably ask them how it was going. That is how you would get your friend to reconnect with their inspiration. The same is true for you! A short conversation or a glance at your notebook can connect you with the energy you had when you wrote it or spoke it.

The next piece of this is how to take the inspired action. This is where many people get stuck. Inspired action is just that, action you take when you are inspired. Many people have a great idea and then focus on it and beat it up until they are sick of it. What happens is they get frustrated and then become done with the idea. They worked on it when they weren't inspired and pushed and pushed until their energy was depleted. They end up getting discouraged and move onto the "next best thing." The point here is to only work on the idea when the inspiration is flowing. That is extremely difficult for most people because they want to finish it and see it manifest into the physical form. Some have a belief that if they aren't "working" then they are being lazy. There are many thoughts that people have that keep them busy but the key point is to get into that inspired state.

With inspiration you trust that when you have that spark and work in that flow. There will be little push and frustration when you are inspired. It will feel as if time stands still and all of a sudden the project is complete. So when you are not feeling inspired do not work on it! Remember inspired action pulls you forward, it doesn't push you forward. You will recognize it you are out of this vortex of creative energy because you will feel discouraged or frustrated. If that happens put the project away. Pull it out when you feel inspired again. Even if it isn't for months later. If you are too attached to it and just pushing it won't have the same impact as it would if it was developed from pure inspiration.

Now some of you have to work under deadlines. The best thing to do when deadlines are part of the picture is to connect with yourself before working on what it is that has to get done. Meditating on the concepts and connecting with the project will give you helpful insights to get you into that space of flow and it will spark the creative energy.

Being inspired comes from your spirit. It comes from deep within you and it is a way to support you on a journey and a life of fun and fulfillment. If you recognize when you are inspired, proclaim it, share it with a friend or write it down, you are on your way to living more free and connected to the flow of life. Remember to only work on it when you are feeling the flow and the inspiration. If life gets in the way, don't beat yourself up. Look to connect with it at a later time and if you must complete something for someone else, give yourself time to connect with how you want to present it or complete it. Connect with that inspiration and then take action!

Mary B Owens ~ committed to empowering you to creating the business of your dreams so you create the life of your dreams! Mary received a Master's in Social Work from the University of Denver in 1997. She is a Certified Law of Attraction Empowerment Coach with QSCA. She is also a Landmark Education graduate and a Bob Proctor Coaching Graduate. She helps people go from where they are in their lives to where they want to be by using the Laws of the Universe. She has spent years studying the Laws of the Universe and how they play a part of our lives and relationships. For more information on her life coaching please visit

Article Source: [] How to Take Inspired Action Today

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