Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Change Your Beliefs and You Can Change Your Life

Change Your Beliefs and You Can Change Your Life

Values shape beliefs and beliefs shape life. There's just one life you have, so live it the way you want. Dear readers, beliefs are what essentially make you who you are and how you're going to proceed in your life. Beliefs are the doctrines that decide what you choose to do or have in your life ahead.

If you have ever pondered over what makes you different from hundreds of faces you see every day or why you act in a particular way, then that is because of the values you have. These values are deep rooted in you and you are displaying them all the time without even realizing. It is said that if you manage to change your beliefs, you can easily change your life.

Change your beliefs - What is our typical behavior?

We all have beliefs but as stated earlier we may not realize it. Many people in life are unaware of their true selves. Some may realize specific beliefs and values but they do not act according to them consciously. Most of the time they are just in an autopilot phase acting on their values unconsciously.

We think that we deal with most of the situations in our lives as they occur and face them with an automatic reaction. However, what we do not realize is that how we choose to deal with these situations in life is determined by our values.

How values are shaped? Will it help change your beliefs?

We start learning and building our own values as our culture, society and the sense of right and wrong dawn upon us. Important people in our lives help us create our values and stick to them for a lifetime.

People, like our family, peers, and other influential people around us, in addition to our teachers, spiritual leaders and society, in general, help us learn our values. We borrow values from all those around us. When we reach the mindset where we can distinguish between what is best for us and what will harm us, we keep the ones we like and let go of the values which do not fit our moral compass.

Change your beliefs for a better life

All decisions we make in life come from the beliefs that we hold dear. Generally, most widely accepted values are those like patriotism, education, honesty, and decency, while dishonesty, lying, cheating, and harming people are usually looked down upon. Therefore, it is your beliefs and values that shape your life. Moreover, one person can make a significant difference and contribute to society and in turn his country and nation.

If you are confused about your beliefs and how they help in a successful life then explore our website to know how to change your beliefs and its fruitful impacts. There is a strong need to learn about values and their significance in life as a whole. Get in contact with our experts to change your beliefs and learn about beliefs and the way they shape our life.

Article Source: [] Change Your Beliefs and You Can Change Your Life

What Is Life's Purpose and How to Find Yours

What Is Life's Purpose and How to Find Yours
By []Pamela Holtzman

One of the primary reasons my clients come for therapy is because they are struggling with, or suffering from existential angst, (the anxiety of the possible meaninglessness of their existence), wondering: What is my purpose?

Why am I here? What am I suppose to do now?

This inquiry is often prompted by a transition in life, related to anything from children moving on, (whether starting kindergarten or going off to college), to lifestyle changes, (influenced by economics, loss, change in job status, aging, or health issues.) Generally, there has been some shift in life that prompts a person to embark upon a deeper exploration of: What am I suppose to do NOW?

For decades, the American dream has been to pursue a vocation or career, raise a family, and be financially independent In today's climate, this comfortable, predictable blue print is fading, and many are feeling they don't know how to persist and exist at this point in time.

In many religious teachings there are guidelines as to what our purpose is.

In Buddhism, our purpose is to help sentient beings mitigate their suffering. The Dalai Lama says in "The Art of Happiness," the purpose in life is to be happy. Christianity teaches its adherents to love God and others. Islamic tradition promotes having peace, submission and obedience to God's will. Judaism guides tits followers to focus on life on earth and interactions between people, to serve God, and to prepare for the World to Come. A postmodernism belief is that we are here to create complex interconnected structures with the purpose of joy and self-understanding.

One definition of purpose is: "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists."

Looking for purpose in life is not a question of: "WHAT should I do?" but HOW do I want to do it? It is the quality of how you approach life, and it underlies everything you do, how you are with others, how you treat yourself, and how you approach your activities. It is the theme for how you choose to live. TO BE.

To identify and discover your purpose, or how you want to live your life, take time for self-reflection. Ask yourself: "What is important to me?" "Who and how do I want to be as I approach all aspects of my life?"

� Allow time to connect with yourself through solitary, silent meditations or retreats.
� Reflect on your life, what you value, and what qualities that you appreciate in others and yourself. Be honest.
� Think about when you have felt most empowered and authentic, excited and energized. What qualities were present for you at that time(s)?
� Journal all the attributes you need, and ways in which you see yourself living a purposeful life.
� Picture your life path, career, lifestyle, relationships, whatever, while living consciously and purposefully in the way you want to be.

Virtues (e.g., being kind, loving, patient, etc.) are all attributes and ways in which one can choose to live their life. These are qualities of the "hero" or virtues, which, when practiced consciously, help us create a better world for ourselves and others.

Imagine any of these qualities being the ever-present theme(s) in how you live your life, attributes that inform how you relate to others, to your job, to yourself, to the world. When you have a specific quality (or many) from which you live, it becomes, the basis of any action you intentionally undertake. Your purpose becomes your guiding ideal, which gives meaning to all of your actions.

However you define it, if finding your purpose is your purpose, it enables everything in your life to become more meaningful. Finding purpose begins with the desire for acceptance and love, and evolves into discovering our own personal genius and gift, which will enable us to offer more to the world.

Start now - living whole and being who you want to be. Embody your full potential for living your life with purpose.

For more information and techniques on self-inquiry and reflection, please refer to my book Healthy Lifestyle Path of Wellness:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

People Keep Asking Me What's Your Secret - No Secret I Just Set Goals and Work Hard!

Throughout my life, people have asked me what my secret is, as if I can give them information which would make them instantly successful, wealthy, and at the top of their game. The reality is if you want to win in anything, you have to practice, you have to be able to take the hard knocks, and you have to have perseverance and keep getting back up. If you are not willing to work hard and do what it takes you don't deserve to win, that's not to say you won't get lucky, or that you can't win the lottery, it's just that the chances of that happening are slim because the odds are not with you.
Besides, what's that old quote; "it's surprising how lucky you get when you're working hard," and what is that other famous quote about luck? "Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity." If you don't put in the time and effort, if you not are willing to work hard, if you don't show up to practice, I just don't see how you are going to succeed in life. There is no easy way, and for those that think there is an easy way, they are liable to get taken by the first con-artist that comes along and promises them something for nothing. The world doesn't work that way, it never really has.
Yes, people do get very lucky, and sometimes people get things they don't deserve, but I would submit to you that most of the people that have achieved, have done so the hard way. And personally, that's the only way I know to succeed. When I was a young man and 12 years old I started washing airplanes at the local airport, I charged a very low price, and I worked very hard. Therefore I had all the business I could take. One of the gentlemen who owned an airplane told me this;
"There are two ways to become successful; you either work too hard, or you work too cheap!"
Indeed, even at that early age I thanked him for his wisdom and I thought about that for a while. A few weeks later I saw him back at the airport getting ready to fly his airplane. I explained to him that I thought about what he said, and I had concluded that; "Sir, I think I'm going to do both, because I don't want to take any risks," he just smiled and said "okay then, see you at the top, now step back son, clear prop" and he started his Beechcraft Bonanza, and he taxied his brand-new airplane to the runway and took off. I'll never forget that, and I hope you will never forget what I've said in this article.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion .

The Success-Power Connection

There is a strong link between success and power in the sense that the more power you acquire the more successful you are. The world runs on the survival of the fittest from the single cell to every living thing on the planet, especially in humans.
Competition is what drives the world, it's what drives us; we compete as kids for our parents' attention, for our friend's friendship, for our jobs and for our mate in life. All who enjoy great success have accumulated large resources of power.
Power is organized energy or effort produced by organizing your knowledge and resources and focusing your mind build your powerbase so you can achieve unlimited success. The amount of power you can obtain is not limited by your intelligence, your physical shape, your wisdom or education. All these can be overcome with the building of a competent Master Mind group.
Napoleon Hill's "Law of Success" presents 15 principles that when studied and applied will build a strong powerbase. Anyone who has become super successful has, without exception, applied Hill's 15 principles. By applying these principles anyone can overcome their weaknesses and limitations, build a sufficient powerbase, and achieve success.
The amount of power accumulated is directly related to the clarity of your goal, the strength of your desire for your goal, and the effort you are will to apply to its achievement. By learning Hill's 15 principles anyone lacking the skill will be able to learn them and put them to use; anyone with a strong enough desire for success will be able to do so.
Many people by now will be saying this is all wrong and they know many successful people that have NO power. I disagree; any successful person is full of power of some type. Take the person who has achieved spiritual success, he has immense power in to form of his belief and his peace of mind and his contentment. These are all great sources of power that not many have.
What about the successful mother or father? They have another type of power, the love of their children the respect of the friends and the love of family. This is a power line no other, a family that lives together in harmony has the greatest power of all.
What most people fail to realize is that power comes in many forms and each type leads to success in specific areas; some overlap into many areas or when combined lead to success in an area completely unrelated to any single powerbase.
Most people when they hear success or power immediately think of wealth or political power; yet there are so many other types of power and success. What you must seek is that which will make you happy. But remember what makes you happy does not necessarily make the next person happy.
Just because you love ham and cheese sandwiches does not mean that everyone does, nor does it mean they are rotten and evil people; so keep this in mind when people do not share your belief structure or you values. Because you belief it and value it doesn't mean you're right and they are wrong; it just means you both have different opinions.

Article Source:

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hi. Just a little digression!
This day I just want to ask about your online business. You see,there are some things that could easily bring confusion and discouragement  to you as you struggle to make a living online.

One of those easy starters of discouragement is information overload.

Are you presently suffering from this online disease?
Are you so overwhelmed with  too much information that you don’t even know what to do?

If yes then I counsel you to quickly redeem your mind and brain right now by taking to the instruction that follow soon.

Decide that you will not open your mail for at least three(3) days.

Use those free days to reassess what you have been trying to do and 
what result you have to show for it.

There is a saying that you can not continue doing the same thing and expect to get a different result.

Therefore It might be time for you to replace what is not working with the one that works.

And remember that giving up is not an option.
Hope this helps!
To your online success

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Personal Success in Business - The 10 Steps!

Being aware of your own approach to Business is the key to your success. How aware are you of your own response to challenges? How well do you manage yourself? What kind of 'leader' are you for your Business? How disciplined are you?

Do you even KNOW the 10 Steps to Personal Success in Business?

Believe it or not, this is an area that many business owners ignore and dismiss. They simply go from day-to-day until something happens to make them stand up and take notice. Being aware of how your mind works is an important foundation for growth. As a business owner and decision maker, it's your responsibility to be completely aware of every aspect of your business.

Here are the 10 Steps to Personal Success in Business.


This is where you don't know anything and don't do anything. Things just happen. You live each day as if you photocopied it from the day before. You're at the bottom of the ladder to success.


You're operating on animal instinct. It's fight or flight. You simply react to whatever comes your way without thinking. This is a very stressful place to be.

Step 3 - GROUP

This is where most people are, yet it's the most dangerous step. It's where you follow everyone else - the masses. It's comfortable here. You seek reassurance and guidance from peers, family and friends. The thought of breaking away is scary. Maybe you've had a great idea to break out and do something innovative but when you mention it to a network group, friends or family for their opinion, the response may go something like: "Are you kidding?", "Haven't you seen the news?", "I can't see that working!". So, you put the one thing that can TRANSFORM your life back in your pocket, agree with them that it's a bad idea and stay as you are. You're back in your comfort zone, feeling safe. You feel relieved, thinking everyone else is right - after all, you think to yourself, who would have supported if you had taken that next step?

It might be comfortable being with the group, but it holds you back. When you move out of the group, it's the best step you can take!


You want to BE more, DO more and HAVE more. How many times have you aspired to do something but done nothing about it? Have you ever made a resolution then forgotten about it? Can you remember a time when you used to think about doing something but never got around to it?

Having an aspiration is good, but without action, it doesn't amount to anything.


Now, you step forward into your future. But wait! You look around and then panic because you're on your own. Being a leader can be lonely and when you look behind and see the group, it's easier to step back into that old comfort zone. How many times has that happened to you?


At last! This is the key step. It's when you take congruent action AND MOVE FORWARD. When you have the discipline to do this, you know you've taken the most important step towards your personal success. You no longer hear those people calling you back. All you focus on is your future, pulling you forward.

You've decided to do something positive and have taken the ACTION to do it.


Almost immediately, by taking decisive action your knowledge increases. You learn new things and gain the confidence to continue moving forward. Others follow you, perhaps for the first time. You're now the leader. You gain the experience of having taken action and this experience encourages you to continue going forward, gaining experience of new situations all the time.


Now it gets really interesting...With your new discipline and growing experience, you learn how to respond, rather than just react as previously. When you're confronted with an issue, instead of a quick reaction or hiding from it, you evaluate it, test & measure different options, and then respond with the best solution.

Step 9 - 'KAIZEN'

This is the Japanese principle of constant-and-never-ending-improvement or "ongoing change for the better". Your focus is on continuous improvement. This step is the natural state of successful people. It applies to every aspect of your business and your life.


Finally, you display the characteristics of success. You Plan, Do and then Review. You've learned how taking action produces results and how the right decisions give you the right results. You're ready to start creating new steps of your own!

So, do you recognise the steps above?

Perhaps not. After all, most people are stuck in the Group level and don't know there's anything above them. Or maybe you've already stepped out and are taking action. You may even be further ahead. However, unless you've made it to the DISCIPLINE stage, the best you can ever be is in constant hesitation. This robs you of time, your most valuable non-recyclable resource.

Challenge yourself! How are you going to move up a level?  How do you get away from following the masses? All it takes is just one step at a time.

Find out who the successful people are in your industry and find out what makes them successful. They are the few going in the opposite direction from the masses.

Study them. Follow them.

Remember, the power to your Personal Success in Business is developing yourself personally.

These 10 Steps are just one element of the 7 Principles of Business Success, developed from years of studying the best business models worldwide to create an easy model to follow.

Julie McGloin is co-founder and Director of award-winning Business Coaching and Development company, Straight Forward Success Ltd, which she runs with her husband and Master Business Coach, Anthony.
For further information about how to improve your business and for a free download of The 7 Principles of Success, visit:

Article Source: [!&id=6249695] Personal Success in Business - The 10 Steps!

Unstoppable Success in Business

Becoming an unstoppable success in business, or life, requires that you have unstoppable belief in yourself and your goals. Once you have established your Purpose and your Passion, you have in effect carved out the road map and set your compass for the journey. So what is it that is going you sustain you on that journey to success in business??  Belief. Your ability to believe in yourself is what separates you from the other 95% who will simply never get started. Most people will tell you that they will 'believe it when they see it'. A true entrepreneur, however, will tell you that they 'saw' their success a long time before others believed in them.

Some people do start off with a belief so strong that it radiates like a beacon on a mountain top. Think Muhammad Ali: "I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was. Don't tell me I can't do something. Don't tell me it's impossible. Don't tell me I'm not the greatest. I'm the double greatest." No wonder he became World Champion. It was written in his destiny. He clearly made sure of it by writing it their himself.

Lack of belief, which really translates from fear, doubt or an underlying lack of deservability, is probably the biggest single factor standing between a person and their success in business. And one of the reasons for that may be that they think they need faith as big as a mountain before they have any chance of success. But here's the deal: A car can travel from one side of the country to the other at night without being able to see further than the next 100yds in its headlights. And you do not need to have a faith that illuminates the whole staircase, you just need to be able to see the next step, as articulated by the inspirational Martin Luther King. Some days your flame of belief may burn hot, other days the winds of doubt may blow so strong, your flame almost dies. That does not matter. What matters is you ability to nurture and protect the ember of your dreams so that it never completely dies. All you need to become a massive success in business is a seed of belief. The crucial thing, however, is that you nurture that seed, you feed and you water it, you tend it every day, until that seed grows into its true magnificence. An example of the soaring heights to which unstoppable belief can take your dream is Mahatma Gandhi. And yet by his own admission, he was not born with that faith. What Gandhi possessed,however, was an unshakable Purpose and he put forth the effort to cultivate his belief until it matched the true magnificence of his Purpose. He said of his remarkable achievements: "I claim to be no more than an average man with below average capabilities. I have not the shadow of a doubt that any man or woman can achieve what I have if he or she would put forth the same effort and cultivate the same hope and faith."

So how do you develop or nurture a spirit of unstoppable belief so that you continue to strive for the next level of success in your business?

The number one key to success in business is to develop the mindset of success. Surround yourself with the evidence of success. Use motivation and inspiration to develop a positive mental attitude, which in turn feeds your belief system and translates into a 'can-do' attitude. Learn to recognise when the seeds of doubt creep in and learn techniques to replace those doubts with beliefs. Success needs a fertile ground in which to thrive, so make sure you tend it on a regular basis.

Second is to surround yourself with a community of like-minded success-orientated people. People who are always ready to pull you up, not push you down. People who are ready to share ideas, encouragement, positive constructive advice. And mastermind with those people. Listen not just to their words but to the intent behind their words. Borrow their attitudes and beliefs and adopt them as your own. Become the person you desire to be literally one day at a time.

In my next article on achieving success in business I will discuss 10 steps to developing an Unstoppable belief system. Remember: "Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others have no choice but to believe in you."

If you would like to learn a little more about the []business success strategies that can fast track YOUR success, we invite you to visit and follow the link to our blog. If you are serious; determined and driven; highly-motivated and looking for success, we will introduce you to the company that has enabled us to achieve ours. If you are ready to change what you are doing in order to change the results you are getting, then we invite you to contact us. It wasn't until we accepted responsibility for the reasons we weren't experiencing success, and opened up to new possibilities that the results started happening.

Success is a team sport - are you playing to win?

Article Source: [] Unstoppable Success in Business - Part 3

Friday, April 29, 2011

Ten Mistakes That Can Affect Your Business Success

Ten Mistakes That Can Affect Your Business Success
By []Linda Hancock 

So often people talk about the things that you need to do in order to achieve business success but very few ever mention the things and choices that a person allows to interfere with their progress and business. This article will focus on issues that business owners tend to ignore or continue doing without realizing that their success will be limited or destroyed over time.

1. Financial problems - If you have not set up your business with the proper procedures and backing, you will soon find that you are out of business. You need to have a Business Plan and the financial support that will allow your business time to grow in the start-up phase.

2. Relational - Many people surround themselves with people who drain their time and energy. If you have a business partner who is not working on the same goals as you are, it won't be long until the business will suffer.

3. Personal - Dishonesty, old negative patterns, untreated mental or physical ailments, family demands or hidden "secrets" can all interfere with your business success.

4. Addictions - When people have an addiction, it take priority over everything. In fact, alcohol or drugs can become a "first love" that steals reasoning and resources not only at a personal level but also from a business endeavor.

5. Incompetence/Inexperience - When you do not know what you are doing, mistakes can occur frequently. Your time and reputation will likely suffer as you try to clean up the mess!

6. Poor self-care - People who are tired, under nourished or ill are not able to reach their potential. As a result, everyone, including that person, the rest of the staff and the client suffer.

7. Lack of Focus - Many businesses fail because time and energy are invested in the wrong things. You need to know where to invest your attention so that you have good revenue and an acceptable bottom line.

8. Poor Service - Clients come to you in order to have their needs met. If this doesn't happen, they will not only look elsewhere for services but also spread the word that your business is not very helpful.

9. Inflexibility - You need to be able to adjust your ideas in order to improve the business. Stubbornness without consideration of options will kill a business in a world that welcomes change and new ways of doing things.

10. Other Psychological Factors - World trends and economic times can have a strong impact on how a business will do. If you are not motivated or able to handle stress, you will likely soon find that running a business can be an overwhelming adventure.

By the way, do you want to learn more about increasing your business profits fast? 


Article Source: [] Ten Mistakes That Can Affect Your Business Success

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Positive Words, Key To Success

Positive Words, Key To Success

Our words control our lives in more ways that most people can even imagine. The power and effect our daily confessions and affirmations have on our lives is literally mind-blowing, when you consider the fact that our words determine the very course of our lives. I grew up hearing a lie. That lie was," Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Maybe you heard that before to. And maybe, you thought that this saying was a good thing to believe and repeat to your children. But this quote, regardless of how innocent it appears, is deceptive. 

It is not true that words can never hurt you. Words can kill you. Words can destroy you. Words can bring you down. Words can literally destroy your true purpose and potential. And words can destroy the true purpose and potential of others who may be spoken to in a negative light, all the time. Job said that words can break a person in pieces. The essence of what comes out of our mouths on a daily basis is what is determining the actual results we are experiencing all the time. If things are not working in your favor, check your words.

The Bible teaches that the power of death, destruction and misery, as well as the power of life, peace, vitality and success is in the authority of the tongue. We cannot escape the effect of our own words upon our minds, spirits and lives. And this is compounded by the words of others who we allow to speak into our lives as well. What we need to ask ourselves is, what are we saying continually, and what are we hearing continually. 

It is a proven fact that we will never rise beyond the level of our confessions. If we speak negatively all the time, we will experience negative results all the time. Our constant negative speaking will produce within us negative expectations, which shall result in negative patterns of behaviors and negative results in our relationships, situations and circumstances.

However, if our words are constantly positive, we will produce within ourselves positive and confident expectations of good things, which shall result in positive behaviors which produces positive and worthwhile results. Our words matter.

Seeing that death and life are in the authority of the words which we speak, should we not ponder carefully what comes out of our mouths on an on-going basis, eliminating the negative, and embracing the positive? After all, we are in the drivers seat. Our words are just that, our words. Granted that we may have been influenced by this person or the next, the truth of the matter is that we decide what we will accept and what we will reject. Wow. This means that we really are in the drivers seat. 

If you desire true success, you must learn that the number one key to becoming a real victorious person is to take one hundred percent responsibility for your life and decisions. So again I state that your words are just that, your words.

For this rest of this week, watch every word that you allow to come out of your mouth. Ponder them carefully. Look at your speaking patterns. If you discover that they are constantly negative, then work on changing them. But what is the first step to changing my words from negativity, to positivity, you ask? You just took that step when you read this article. Now read it again. Then second and third step are in here as well.

Sheldon D. Newton is an inspirational and motivational speaker, teacher, pastor and seminar lecturer. He is the Founder and Senior pastor of Jesus Christ Centered Ministries International and the author of various books including, Refuse to Live the Common Life, The Positive Power of Biblical Affirmations, Humility and the Honor of God and True Spirituality.

His burning purpose is to see lives transformed through the application of timeless and godly principles, which will enable them to live better lives of peace, wholeness and fulfillment. This purpose has taken him throughout the islands of the Bahamas, The United States of America and The British Virgin Islands.

Article Source: [,-Key-To-Success&id=6031240] Positive Words, Key To Success

The Key to Success - Motivation and Inspiration

Good People, Bad Mindsets 

I'm just going to jump right into this. People want you to fail. Plain and simple. It sounds a little harsh and unrealistic at first, however if you consider the following you will realize that it is true. While most people will not come out and say it directly, we as a culture are indirectly bred to think this way. From the time we are born, we are exposed to countless media outlets that scream "No matter how much you have, it is not enough."

 We are trained from a very young age to believe that we need to look a certain way, have a certain thing, or act a certain way in order to be considered successful, or even in a lot of cases "normal". After years of being surrounded by this, our minds are predestined to behave in a certain way. When a person hears of another persons success, hundreds of thoughts will immediately be thrown around in their head, among which most will be negative.

 No matter how good an idea you may present to a friend, 90% of the time they will give you 1000 or more reasons for why that idea will not work. They don't do this in a manner that is direct and insulting, and in fact usually portray it as an attempt to help you. "But have you thought about this?", "Do you realize how much that will cost?", "I'm only trying to help", and so on. The fact is they are trained to think that way because subconsciously their brain is telling them that you may succeed, and leave them behind. It's a natural tendency that is very hard to fight against. Most people don't even realize what they're doing and truly believe they are being helpful by offering "logical" advice. But the fact is, unless they are speaking from 100% personal experience, the only "logical" advice they have are ideas that their brain has generated on the fly. They're good people, they just have bad mindsets.

Get Out of Your Way

In the same way other people try to get in the way of our success, we too have a tendency to get in the way of our own success. Given the same principals as above, a lot of people over many years of exposure to today's culture begin to feel that no matter what they do, they will never have enough. As I've once said already, we are basically brainwashed from a young age to believe we will never have enough, and after hearing this nonsense for so long, we almost have no choice but to believe it's true.

Here's the truth. If you don't make a conscious effort to discover your skills, and other things that make you yourself, you will inevitably fall into a state of mind that tells you that you're no better than anyone else. So many people actually believe they haven't a single thing at all to offer this world, and that is truly a disease of the brain if I have ever heard of one. If you want to think that way, then you WILL be just like everyone else. But I can assure you there is no fun in that. Each of us have our own set of skills, ambitions, and goals and it's those things that set us apart from everyone else. The fact is, though, that most people will not act on many of those skills, or ambitions, or goals and therefore will fall into the same place that 90% of the world falls into. If any of us were given the literal choice one day to conquer all of our goals and get the most out of life, or to fall into contempt and die peacefully bored, we would obviously choose the first.

 The truth is, however, we DO have that choice. We fortunately get to make that choice every day we wake up. The sad truth is that most people will choose the second option. Why? Because it's easy. It's really easy to just get out of bed everyday, go to work, eat dinner, then go back to bed and do it all over again the next day. We as a culture love cycles. We love tradition. Why? Because we know what to expect. If we didn't have a routine to follow, we would never know what to expect, and that makes a lot of people uncomfortable. But here's the truth. You can die peacefully bored, or you can live life with a little uncertainty and quite probably change the world. Get out of your way, you have big things to do.

Ok I'm Ready! Now What 

If you're reading this right now and feel motivated and ready to go, great! But here's the thing. If you stop here, in a matter of a few days or even a few hours, you will fall back into the same slump you were in when you started. It is imperative... Read full article on   rel=nofollow []

Kyle Ferguson


Article Source: [] The Key to Success - Motivation and Inspiration

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I want to take my text from Hebrews11:1-5.Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen.You need an evidence to serve as a conclusive basis for your beliefs in life..You will never doubt anything that has an evidence.

For example,an evidence that you have money in the bank is your bank statement.Similarly,a title deed to a piece of land is enough of an evidence.In the same vain,the promises of God are made real in your life by faith.How can you be so sure that you will prosper,excel in life and business and ministry?You know it by faith.The proof you have now that you will make it big time is the promise of GOD in his world.

Should any body ask you why you are so sure that your tomorrow will be better than your today ,simply show him the evidence or proof---your faith.
Therefore you must not destroy your evidence,your proof of a better tomorrow.Do not allow the enemy of your soul to steal your evidence or make you doubt your proof.It is by faith you will even please the Almighty GOD.

This is why you must keep your faith at all times.
Hope this helps

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aiming For Success? How to Keep on Track

Sometimes it is essential to take stock - in fact our success depends on it. Here's a recent experience of mine that shows why.

I had arranged a short break in the country. I drove the car and my friend read the map. Before each leg of the journey we would agree the route that we would take to our next destination. The trouble was that after a few miles we would get lost.

Struggling to stay patient, I would stop the car and between us we would try to work out what had gone wrong. It was clear that my friend remembered the route we had agreed. It was also clear that he was in no doubt about our destination.

It was only after yet another deviation into unplanned country lanes that I finally twigged what was happening. Although my friend knew exactly where we had started from and where we were going, he was not keeping track as we motored along of our current position!

The result was that when we came to a road junction, he did not know which one it was on the map. Therefore we became reliant purely on road signs which were often non-existent.

Fortunately, there was a happy ending. With practice my navigator became more proficient and I would glance across to the passenger seat and see him with his finger on the map tracing our progress!

It struck me that it's like this in life too. We can be clear where we started from and clear about our goals. But if we do not check our current position now and again, how can we know we are on track? We may be lost.

As it happens, a holiday is a good time to take stock. When you are out of your normal environment it's easier to take a more objective view. But you can take stock at any time. The critical thing is to be honest - your current position is where you are, not where you would like to think you are.

I decided it was time for me to take stock and here are the questions I used. You might like to use them too.

1. What is working well?

- What is energising?

- What is exciting?

- What do I look forward to doing?

- What do I relish?

- What am I glad that's on my 'To Do' list?

- What do I do that puts me into creative mode?

2. What is not working?

- What makes me groan?

- What am I bored by?

- What drains me of energy?

- What makes me want to stay under the duvet?

- What is not 'me'?

- What is wasting precious time?

3. What are the lost opportunities?

- What is past its sell-by date?

- What am I doing purely out of habit?

- What was energising but has now reached a plateau?

- What of my strengths are under-utilised?

- Where could I add more value?

- Where is my natural curiosity leading?

As you 'trace your finger over your map', you can see how near or far you are from your chosen destination.

I'm Trevor Hill, author and inspiration coach. I help people who want to break out of current limitations and enjoy inspired and rewarding lives. You can claim your free copy of my downloadable book 'Passport To Inspiration' containing 7 proven techniques you can use right away - just click on <a target="_new" href=""></A>

Article Source: [] Aiming For Success? How to Keep on Track

The Wisdom Of Letting Go - The Monkey and The Butterfly

The Wisdom Of Letting Go - The Monkey and The Butterfly
By []Trevor Hill

When you really want something, the advice to 'let go' seems crazy. Yet when you look more closely, it becomes clear that holding on can destroy the very things you want.

It reminds me of a story of catching monkeys. When I checked, some say the story comes from Asia, other sources claim South America - maybe it's both. The way the monkey trap works is this. The monkey hunter uses a container that has a narrow opening at the top just large enough for a monkey's hand. This container is tethered firmly to the jungle floor and inside the hunter puts all sorts of food that monkeys love.

As the sun warms the container, it spreads a delicious aroma. When a monkey picks up the scent, it's drawn to the container and reaches inside for the food. But when it tries to withdraw, its clenched hand is too big to come out.

Now, rather than drop the food and regain its freedom, the monkey hangs on. Even as the hunter approaches with a net, the monkey struggles to keep the food. It's bad for the monkey which ends up in a zoo, or worse.

The parallel is obvious - what do we hold on to so tightly, refusing to let go, that causes us to lose our freedom? What appears to be worth so much that it costs your liberty?

Holding too tightly has another danger - it can destroy the very thing we are holding. As children we learn that if we grasp a butterfly too hard we will crush it. The pretty, dancing creature that delights us is put in jeopardy by an overbearing grip.

Instead, if we want to hold a butterfly, we can cup it gently, creating a space with both hands that respects its delicate nature. This way we stop it flying away but the downside is that we cannot see it - our hands hide its beauty.

Better still is to wait quietly near nectar bearing flowers and watch closely as the butterflies come and go. They are free in their natural element as they dance in the sunshine. Sometimes they will rest, wings open, and you can enjoy their full magnificence. You may even find that they touch down on your outstretched hand.

You may be thinking that although this seems desirable, it is all rather dreamy and a shade too passive. So let's get practical:

1. What are you holding onto that is taking your freedom?
2. What are you holding so tightly that you are crushing the life out?
3. What could you do to attract the 'butterfly' you wish for?

Depending on your answers, choose one step to take and notice the difference!

Welcome - I'm Trevor Hill, author and inspiration coach. You can get specific details on 7 great techniques to inspire yourself in my free downloadable book 'Passport to Inspiration' from <a target="_new" href=""></A>

Article Source: [] The Wisdom Of Letting Go - The Monkey and The Butterfly

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to Take Inspired Action Today

By []Mary B Owens

How do you take inspired action and what does that look like? Imagine you are waking up from a peaceful nights rest. You flow out of bed and into the shower. As you are bathing you get this amazing idea! You cannot wait to find someone to share your idea with. You are sure with the right help and coordination this idea will have a huge impact with so many people. You are pumped up and ready to go. Then you get out of the shower and the phone rings. It is your nanny and she is sick and can't help you with your kids today. You completely understand and instead of jumping into your work clothes you slide on a pair of sweats and a cozy sweatshirt. You are a little worried now about how you are going to get what you wanted to accomplish done today. Then you recognize this is part of your responsibility of having children that are small and aren't in school yet. You know you can work from home but there is a small "let down" feeling in your stomach but you say "life happens; I will get to it tomorrow." You call the people who you were going to meet and reschedule your plans. The day goes on and you are able to accomplish some administrative tasks but nothing you really wanted to do. So what happened? What happen to all that inspiration you had in the shower?

Inspiration is something that excites you. It literally pulls you into action. The problem with inspiration is you can lose it as fast as you received it. In the above example you were about to take on a huge idea that could have the potential to impact many people. Yet once you received that call your inspiration was soon covered up by your worry and rescheduling. This is completely normal to worry about rescheduling and taking care of your kids at the same time. The reality is that people get sick and we still have responsibilities to our children and most of all we have responsibilities to ourselves. The responsibility to yourself is to live in that inspired state. So how is that done? How do you move and take inspired action with all of the requirements of your daily life?

The first step in living and taking inspired action is to recognize when you are inspired. Keep your focus and proclaim out loud that you are inspired. Saying something with conviction and out loud is very powerful. It literally cements your inspiration into your physical life. You will not forget it if you say it out loud, "This is inspiring and I want to do something about it!" It may seem silly and even a little too easy but have you tried it? Being inspired enough to make a claim to it will help move you into the next crucial step.

The next step is to share it will someone. Now if it is an idea that you want to keep to yourself until it is more developed, writing it down will be enough to keep you inspired. See the key here is that you want to stay engaged in this inspiration. Life does happen and you will have to attend to different aspects or responsibilities around you. If you have spoken to someone or written down your idea when you get side tracked you will be able to reconnect with the inspiration more easily. Think of it this way, if someone came to you and you felt their excitement and their joy you would want to support them in that. If you noticed that they weren't talking about it anymore there would be this curious part of you that would probably ask them how it was going. That is how you would get your friend to reconnect with their inspiration. The same is true for you! A short conversation or a glance at your notebook can connect you with the energy you had when you wrote it or spoke it.

The next piece of this is how to take the inspired action. This is where many people get stuck. Inspired action is just that, action you take when you are inspired. Many people have a great idea and then focus on it and beat it up until they are sick of it. What happens is they get frustrated and then become done with the idea. They worked on it when they weren't inspired and pushed and pushed until their energy was depleted. They end up getting discouraged and move onto the "next best thing." The point here is to only work on the idea when the inspiration is flowing. That is extremely difficult for most people because they want to finish it and see it manifest into the physical form. Some have a belief that if they aren't "working" then they are being lazy. There are many thoughts that people have that keep them busy but the key point is to get into that inspired state.

With inspiration you trust that when you have that spark and work in that flow. There will be little push and frustration when you are inspired. It will feel as if time stands still and all of a sudden the project is complete. So when you are not feeling inspired do not work on it! Remember inspired action pulls you forward, it doesn't push you forward. You will recognize it you are out of this vortex of creative energy because you will feel discouraged or frustrated. If that happens put the project away. Pull it out when you feel inspired again. Even if it isn't for months later. If you are too attached to it and just pushing it won't have the same impact as it would if it was developed from pure inspiration.

Now some of you have to work under deadlines. The best thing to do when deadlines are part of the picture is to connect with yourself before working on what it is that has to get done. Meditating on the concepts and connecting with the project will give you helpful insights to get you into that space of flow and it will spark the creative energy.

Being inspired comes from your spirit. It comes from deep within you and it is a way to support you on a journey and a life of fun and fulfillment. If you recognize when you are inspired, proclaim it, share it with a friend or write it down, you are on your way to living more free and connected to the flow of life. Remember to only work on it when you are feeling the flow and the inspiration. If life gets in the way, don't beat yourself up. Look to connect with it at a later time and if you must complete something for someone else, give yourself time to connect with how you want to present it or complete it. Connect with that inspiration and then take action!

Mary B Owens ~ committed to empowering you to creating the business of your dreams so you create the life of your dreams! Mary received a Master's in Social Work from the University of Denver in 1997. She is a Certified Law of Attraction Empowerment Coach with QSCA. She is also a Landmark Education graduate and a Bob Proctor Coaching Graduate. She helps people go from where they are in their lives to where they want to be by using the Laws of the Universe. She has spent years studying the Laws of the Universe and how they play a part of our lives and relationships. For more information on her life coaching please visit

Article Source: [] How to Take Inspired Action Today

What Inspires You?

By []Graham Harris

Have you ever thought? What inspires YOU? What is it that drives you day in and day out?  What is it that inspires you?

We think of creative people as being inspired and ask about their work. What inspired you to paint, draw, produce this piece of work? What inspired you to make this? Usually the answer is: a book, poem, film, experience, person, a place or in Cole Porter's case the 'phone call from the director'.

Something else or someone else inspired the artist, the songwriter. But what about the person in a regular job? What inspires you?

"Inspiration is a desire to live life without flinching. To take a risk and possibly fail.
To act on your emotions, creativity, ability and beliefs. To take criticism but have the faith in yourself to do it anyway. Bloody hard work, but then hard work never
killed anyone (or so my Dad says). Oh, and I find foster parents inspiring.
They pick up the pieces when the fundamental teachings and rules of our society fail. If I were religious I'd ask God to bless em."
Carolyn Tomley
(Sydney Morning Herald website).

What is it that inspires you?

You can begin to see that if nothing inspires you or excites you or lights up your life you are really missing something. You are just like a robot performing task after task. We believe that deep down you have a place where you can be touched. You have a place that is solely ours. Solely for you to show the world. Can you name it?

What inspires me, is the thought that I am more than my body. My limitations are only down to my thoughts. Thus I want to keep pushing the boundaries to find out what is there. Find out what I can communicate to the world. I am inspired by the fact that through what I do I may enable another person to open their mind. To remove the blinkers and reach their possibilities.

Julie is inspired by life. All that is around her. To Julie, inspiration is a rush of adrenalin, a rush of energy that creates a clearing in her thinking. It's that time when you see something from a different perspective and say to yourself, Why didn't see it like this before?

For Julie, inspiration is like the prisoner who says you can do whatever you like to my body but you can't touch my soul, my reason for living.

But what inspires you? What makes you go to that space where you continue to do what you do for hour after hour, when you forget the need to eat and drink. What is it that inspires you?

Some artists suggest that it is their imagination that inspires them. The need to tell the world what is going on in their heads. The links that they make. The different ways of viewing the world. After all literature, music and visual arts are all about the originator communicating with the rest of us.

So inspiration appears to be linked with the need to communicate with others. It may not be in words. But we feel it is about communication. What about you? What are you inspired to communicate?

Inspiration is linked to innovation. To introduce new ways of seeing things.  Inspiration is a way of understanding the essence of ourselves. Understanding who we are and what we dream about. Whatever it is that inspires you, it is the core of your very being. So what is it?

Perhaps the role of inspiration is to wake us up from a big sleep. A sleep where everyday is the same. Where we contribute to the world but at the same time we don't contribute because there is nothing of us in there. Perhaps the role of inspiration is to get us to become involved with the world rather than be a bystander, an observer.

This was definitely the situation for Alice Foote MacDougall, an American Business woman before the second world war. Like many of her era she was driven by her husband's financial failure and the necessity of supporting her three young children.

...the opportunity offered by life to women is far in excess of any offered to men.
To be the inspiration is more than to be the tool. To create the world,
a greater thing than to reform it.

When we tap into whatever it is that inspires us we become a full member of society. We are able to share our ideas, thoughts and emotions. As we share and show our dreams, emotions and ideas and thoughts then we gradually become to understand the person we truly are.

So, the role of inspiration is more than we first thought. More that just a drive to action. It actually enables you to understand the very essence of yourself and what you have to offer the world.

Inspiration gives you understanding.

Inspiration gives you an identity.

Inspiration gives you a way of being.

Can you really live without knowing what inspires you?

Good luck

Graham and Julie


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Article Source: [] What Inspires You?