Saturday, April 2, 2011


I want to take my text from Hebrews11:1-5.Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen.You need an evidence to serve as a conclusive basis for your beliefs in life..You will never doubt anything that has an evidence.

For example,an evidence that you have money in the bank is your bank statement.Similarly,a title deed to a piece of land is enough of an evidence.In the same vain,the promises of God are made real in your life by faith.How can you be so sure that you will prosper,excel in life and business and ministry?You know it by faith.The proof you have now that you will make it big time is the promise of GOD in his world.

Should any body ask you why you are so sure that your tomorrow will be better than your today ,simply show him the evidence or proof---your faith.
Therefore you must not destroy your evidence,your proof of a better tomorrow.Do not allow the enemy of your soul to steal your evidence or make you doubt your proof.It is by faith you will even please the Almighty GOD.

This is why you must keep your faith at all times.
Hope this helps